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Panacea, which means “a remedy for all difficulties”, comes from a Greek word meaning all-healing.

Our client Sommer Collins is a Minnesota native who was relocated to Krakow, Poland with her family due to job-related changes. She and other relocated expats have had numerous encounters where family members required medical attention and they were forced to navigate a healthcare system that they were unfamiliar with.

For the last six years, our client has been dreaming of and working on a concept for a web application that provides a comprehensive searchable and highly accessible public database of health and wellness provider information. Specifically, she’s hoping to offer a community-driven platform for contributing and finding information on available health and wellness resources and enable individuals to find the care they want for themselves or their family wherever they are in the world.

Having remote meetings with the client

Having remote meetings with the client

So our team of five UX designers began with study and research around the subject. First, we did a comparative audit to get a better understanding of what other similar web apps have, then we conducted several international remote interviews with participants who had relocated around the world and had related experiences in the project area. We also conducted storytelling sessions to get a better understanding of the situations that people face with navigating healthcare context when relocating. Creating a user’s persona and scenario helped us to build empathy and understanding of users.

Persona and scenario

User journey map

We still buy over the counter medicine when we visit home because we feel more comfortable with that.
— An interview participant

Data Synthesizing

Data Synthesizing

Synthesizing data and outcome

By synthesizing data we realized that creating a web app with some feasible features could extremely help users navigating healthcare context in an unfamiliar country.

Our recommended features are:

  • Medical conversion chart

  • City summary

  • Healthcare overview

  • Expat forum

  • Emergency numbers

  • Find doctors

  • Medical record archive

  • Insurance claim template

In addition to working on different aspects of the project, my specific role in the design team was to work on visual aspects of the project based on the data gathered from usability testing of mood boards and also creating low to high fidelity wireframes.

Eventually, we did usability testing through a high-fidelity prototype and we found out other areas of opportunity and improvements.

Panacea is a web app uniquely designed to solve the functional and emotional needs of travelers and relocated families and individuals. We believe it will aid users in navigating foreign medical contexts by setting expectations through culturally informative tools.

Low-Fidelity Wireframes

Low-Fidelity Wireframes

High-Fidelity Wireframes

High-Fidelity Wireframes

Annotated Wireframes

To check out the Panacea prototype click here


  • Competitive Audit

  • Feature Cards

  • Usability test

  • Interviews

  • Journey mapping

  • Sketching

  • Prototyping


  • Sketch

  • InVision

  • Photoshop

  • Keynote